
Best web hosting is a relative term. When it comes to the type of hosting you should choose, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. You will need to look at your budget, the level of customization you want, and the features offered by each provider. Do you have a small business? If so, you are probably better off with shared hosting. But if your company has large files or databases that require heavy bandwidth, you might want to consider cloud hosting.

We should be careful when selecting a web hosting service because the right choice will make your website load fast, remain up 99.9% of the time, extend prompt service yet will save money for you.

On the other hand, choosing a wrong service can make your site slow, taking ages to load. Today visitors have a very short attention span. If a site doesn’t load within a second, they will click away from your site. That will increase your bounce rate and negatively affect your SEO ranking.

So, first let’s take a look at the different types of popular web hosting services.


Shared Hosting


Beginners with little or no experience should choose shared hosting. Your website will be hosted here alongside multiple other websites on the same server. A shared hosting plan’s server resources, such as RAM (Random Access Memory) and CPU (Central Processing Unit), are shared by all domains (Central Processing Unit). On the other hand, pooled hosting plans are relatively affordable since all resources are shared, making them an excellent alternative for new website owners.

In most cases, shared hosting is the easiest way to host a website; whether you’re a small entrepreneur, a small social service team, or a newbie who wants to blog, your site will be online. Shared hosting services commonly include website builders, WordPress hosting, and the ability to email clients.


Dedicated Server Hosting


Dedicated hosting extends complete control over the host server. That’s because you’ve rented the server only for your website. You have entire administration and root privileges that allow you to handle anything from security to the operating system.

However, all of this power has a price.

Dedicated servers are one of the most costly forms of web hosting, and Website owners with much traffic and need complete control over their servers are the most likely candidates for them. Furthermore, the server’s setup and operation need high technical expertise.


Cloud Hosting


The buzzword in the IT business right now is cloud hosting. In web hosting, this entails a group of machines cooperating to execute program utilizing shared computing resources. It’s a network-based hosting solution that lets businesses use computer resources as if they were utilities.

Users may now use as many resources as they require without constructing and managing their computing infrastructure. The resources are distributed among many servers, lowering the risk of downtime due to a server failure.

Cloud-based hosting is scalable, which means your site may expand over time and use as many resources as it needs, with the website owner only paying for what they use.


Virtual Private Server (VPS) Hosting


A VPS hosting package is the perfect compromise between shared and dedicated hosting. It’s ideal for website owners who want greater control but don’t require a dedicated server.

Each website on a VPS server is housed in its area while it still shares a physical server with other customers. While VPS hosting gives website owners greater control and storage capacity, they can’t manage highly high traffic or use spikes, which means that other websites on the server might still influence the site’s performance.
A VPS hosting package is the perfect compromise between shared and dedicated hosting, and it’s ideal for website owners who want greater control but don’t require a dedicated server.

VPS hosting is preferred by website owners who desire dedicated hosting but lack the necessary technical competence. VPS hosting combines the cost savings of shared hosting with the control and flexibility of dedicated hosting. Advanced users and those who want particular software and package installs will find this to be an excellent option.


Managed hosting



Most hosting packages available fall under the ‘managed’ category. Technical services such as hardware and software setup and configuration, maintenance, hardware replacement, technical assistance, patching, upgrading, and monitoring are provided by hosting firms. The provider manages the technical infrastructure and support using managed hosting.

When it comes to web hosting, there are many alternatives to select from, but it all boils down to finding a package that meets your needs. The plans are tailored to meet the demand of various client groups, and therefore chalking out what you need will help you choose the best plan.




In summary, the following are the different types of web hosting packages:

Shared hosting: Shared hosting is the most basic and affordable hosting plan. With shared hosting, the website owner shares a server with other users.

Dedicated hosting: A dedicated server is a server dedicated to a single user. This means that the user has complete control over the server, and can manage everything from the operating system to the hardware.

Cloud hosting: Cloud hosting is a network-based hosting solution that lets users use as many resources as they require without constructing and managing their computing infrastructure.

VPS hosting: VPS hosting is the perfect compromise between shared and dedicated hosting. It’s ideal for website owners who want greater control but don’t require a dedicated server.

Managed hosting: Managed hosting is a package that offers a range of technical services. These include hardware and software setup and configuration, maintenance, hardware replacement, technical assistance, patching, upgrading, and monitoring.

To know about my review of some of the best web hosting service provider, Click Here